Royal Devon Hospitals Charity

Fern Centre Charity 15000ft Sky Dive

Ashley Clarke

Ashley Clarke

My Story

The Fern Centre is an incredible place, offering support and wellbeing for cancer patients and their families when they are at their most vulnerable. I have visited the centre and experienced first hand this amazing place offering therapies, counselling, support, accommodation and a wide range of complimentary information delivered by incredibly professional staff.

The Fern Centre is part of The Royal Devon Hospitals Charity which help and provide ongoing support for local people when they need it most.

If I can do a relatively small thing like a 15000ft skydive in support of this worthy charity and while doing so, tick it off my bucket list and raise money at the same time for much needed funds for a very local cause, why would I not do that? 

I will be fully funding the sky dive myself so that all of the donations and sponsorship will go directly to the Fern Centre.

My target is to raise £2500 and all that I am asking is for you to support this fundraiser with a donation no matter how big or small, as it will make a huge difference to so many people.

The Sky Dive will take place on Friday August 9th 12pm at Skydive Buzz The Airfield, Honiton, devon

Thank you in anticipation of your support from myself and the Fern Centre.

Ashley Clarke



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

The Fern Centre is an incredible place, offering support and wellbeing for cancer patients and their families when they are at their most vulnerable. I have visited the centre and experienced first hand this amazing place offering therapies, counselling, support, accommodation and a wide range of complimentary information delivered by incredibly professional staff.

The Fern Centre is part of The Royal Devon Hospitals Charity which help and provide ongoing support for local people when they need it most.

If I can do a relatively small thing like a 15000ft skydive in support of this worthy charity and while doing so, tick it off my bucket list and raise money at the same time for much needed funds for a very local cause, why would I not do that? 

I will be fully funding the sky dive myself so that all of the donations and sponsorship will go directly to the Fern Centre.

My target is to raise £2500 and all that I am asking is for you to support this fundraiser with a donation no matter how big or small, as it will make a huge difference to so many people.

The Sky Dive will take place on Friday August 9th 12pm at Skydive Buzz The Airfield, Honiton, devon

Thank you in anticipation of your support from myself and the Fern Centre.

Ashley Clarke