Royal Devon Hospitals Charity

Running 45 miles from Hospital to Hospital across Devon

Olly Mawson

Olly Mawson

Olly Mawson
Fundraising as part of team: Project Play

My Story

About the challenge

I am an Apprentice Diagnostic Radiographer at the Royal Devon University Healthcare Trust. I have chosen to fundraise for our very own department to help us transform our waiting rooms for the benefit of our patients. On the 16th July, I will be running from North Devon District Hospital in Barnstaple to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital at Wonford, Exeter - a distance of 45 miles! I have chosen to do this to not just physically challenge myself but to help raise awareness (and money!) in the very communities we serve, from the North coast to the South.

About Project Play

Project Play wants to bring colour, fun and adventure into your visit to the Royal Devon and Exeter Medical Imaging department at Wonford, Exeter. We want our paediatric patients to travel our maze of corridors with our explorer characters, who will be custom designed to represent all our children and the disabilities they may live with. Each waiting room will be transformed into a different landscape and wall toys will be installed for patients to interact with and occupy their minds. 

Why am I doing this challenge?

Training as a radiographer, I have seen the immense benefits that a positive and welcoming environment can have on our patients - and I would absolutely love to help us reach our target by taking on a personal and meaningful challenge. It'll be tough, I have never run more than 26 miles in one go before. But I am motivated and with your help, I can raise some money for this amazing cause.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

About the challenge

I am an Apprentice Diagnostic Radiographer at the Royal Devon University Healthcare Trust. I have chosen to fundraise for our very own department to help us transform our waiting rooms for the benefit of our patients. On the 16th July, I will be running from North Devon District Hospital in Barnstaple to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital at Wonford, Exeter - a distance of 45 miles! I have chosen to do this to not just physically challenge myself but to help raise awareness (and money!) in the very communities we serve, from the North coast to the South.

About Project Play

Project Play wants to bring colour, fun and adventure into your visit to the Royal Devon and Exeter Medical Imaging department at Wonford, Exeter. We want our paediatric patients to travel our maze of corridors with our explorer characters, who will be custom designed to represent all our children and the disabilities they may live with. Each waiting room will be transformed into a different landscape and wall toys will be installed for patients to interact with and occupy their minds. 

Why am I doing this challenge?

Training as a radiographer, I have seen the immense benefits that a positive and welcoming environment can have on our patients - and I would absolutely love to help us reach our target by taking on a personal and meaningful challenge. It'll be tough, I have never run more than 26 miles in one go before. But I am motivated and with your help, I can raise some money for this amazing cause.